resundsbroen 185

If you have purchased one or more starting numbers for Broloppet 2025 but feel that you don’t want to use one or more of them, you have the option to either sell or transfer the starting number to someone you know. You can also list it for sale through our resale platform, and the starting number can then be offered to someone on the waiting list.

Questions and answers:

  • What do you do if you want to list your starting number for sale?You go to your participant profile with your self-service code, and under ‘Changes,’ you can choose ‘Sell/Transfer’ the ticket. You can either choose to transfer/sell your ticket to someone you know or offer it for public sale. If you complete a transfer, it cannot be revoked because your participant profile is deactivated after confirming the transfer.You login with your self-service-code here:

    If you cannot find your receipt with your self service code you can find it here:

  • Will the bib number go to a lottery winner from the waiting list?
    If you set the entry ticket for public sale, it will go to someone from the waiting list (through automatic lottery).
  • How do you transfer your bib number if you already have a buyer?
    The same process as above applies; you just choose to transfer it to a specific person instead of listing it for public sale.
  • How much can I sell my bib number for?
    You choose your own price, but it cannot be set higher than the purchase price of the starting number from Broloppet (max 700 DKK/1050 SEK).
    A fee of 120 DKK/180 SEK is charged for the transfer, which the seller pays.
Follow The Bridge Run 2025